Net Zero Partnership for Global Pharmaceutical Company 

Projective’s Sustainability Consultancy Services have developed a pathway and process that will ensure over 800,000 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide emissions will be eliminated by 2040.


The Challenge

In an era of increasing environmental consciousness, a leading global pharmaceutical manufacturer sought to align its operations with sustainability goals by achieving Net-Zero Carbon emissions by 2040. The challenge was multifaceted, given the complexity of pharmaceutical manufacturing processes across the 40+ sites, and the need for compliance with stringent industry regulations. The client aimed not only to reduce its Carbon Footprint but also reduce its energy consumption by 3% annually.

Projective were asked to consider the approach necessary for achieving the outlined targets whilst also engaging with each manufacturing site to deliver a comprehensive Masterplan that would identify immediately deliverable initiatives as well as a long-term strategy to achieve Net Zero.

The Benefits
  • Elevated Corporate Reputation
  • Site Specific Net Zero Masterplan & Projects Schedule
  • Commodity Savings & Operational Efficiencies Identified
  • Outlined Capital & Resource Requirements


The Approach

The process began with a thorough analysis of major global facilities. The strategy was comprehensive, covering the existing availability of data through metering, energy efficiency opportunities, opportunities for heat recovery, and deployment of low Carbon technologies.

Projective sought to understand the nuances of each site’s engineering operations, ensuring a holistic view of the impact on their existing utility configurations. This led to the facilitation of Master-Planning workshops with site engineering teams to support the development of a detailed project plan and concept design for future energy infrastructure.

Net Zero Modelling

Combining industry best practice, forecast trends and Net Zero targeted projects, Projective crafted a bespoke roadmap for the client. The cost benefit analysis within the modelling process ensured that sites prioritised opportunities for increased energy and Carbon savings with decreased capital and resource requirements.

This ensured that the energy demand and operational costs are reduced to a minimum before requiring investment in low Carbon technologies. This will improve the case for future investment and offsets the likely increased potential premium for low Carbon energy sources.


The Result

The result was a complete Masterplan for each site which included a projected investment profile alongside energy, Carbon and operational cost reduction timelines.

In turn, the corporate management better understands the Global pathway and requirements thanks to the consistency in the site masterplan which ensures rigour in reporting, programme management and corporate governance.

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